Research Projects

Customised research projects on:

  • communication
  • marketing
  • engagement
  • social media services
  • Digital

All projects are based on the organisations needs.

An example of previous research work is the ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Media Research Project Report 2014’ on behalf of Queensland Fire and Emergency Services and can be downloaded at

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Liz running an information session on her Remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Media Research Project at Govcamp Australia

Recent Projects:

  • Social media review of the Public Safety Business Agency, which researched the effectiveness of their social media activities, against industry practice and identified any gaps and opportunities.
  • Conducted and Managed a Facebook pilot program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Doomadgee and Torres Strait for Queensland Fire and emergency Services..
  • Researched social media usage within remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and developed strategies for effectively engaging with these communities, as part of a Nationally funded project.
  • Implemented an SMS pilot program to communicate with business clients, and administered the Website Usability Report and the changes that stemmed from that report.
  • Managed the delivery of public engagement capability projects, including the implementation of a single-source customer-centric website for Emergency Services and Safety. Working as the Public Engagement Capability Project Manager at the Department of Community Safety.


Liz shows a thorough understanding of the PRINCE2 project methodology and managed the delivery of several key aspects of our project professionally. Liz has an engaging personality and develops strong working relationships with her team and stakeholders to create a productive and fun work environment.  I would recommend Liz for any project requiring a structured approach to the delivery of a marketing and communications strategy.
Martin Redhead
Queensland Government

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